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Member Profile #2 

NavG Name  Warren
Human Keeper  Mike Guthrie
Class   Basic
Location   Cave of Careto Banorc
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 Favorite Stuff

Movies    Watership Down, Killer Clowns from Space, Mars Attacks

T.V   My Favorite Martian, My Mother the Car, Lost in Space

Books    Anything Hitchcock, Poe

Mags    Most Porn

Foods    Anything Vikoon

Recipes    Hmmm..

Hobbies    Making Vikoons wet themselfs

Past Time    Like I said, making Vikoons wet themselfs

Interests   Whats up with the repeat question?

Links    too many

Heros    NOT

Comments    You wish!!
Dislikes and Turn Offs 

Anything with Meryl Streep   Movies

anything Reality    T.V

Romance Novels    Books

Tablodes    Mags

I have gotten over that    Foods

Yours    Recipes

Can I use the back of this form if I need more room?    Hit List
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